Tuesday, March 26, 2013


CONGRATULATIONS 4TH GRADE!!! We have finished the ELA Reading Comprehension and Long Composition MCAS tests.  Everyone worked hard and showed a lot of perseverance. I am so proud of everyone's improvements and accomplishments this year!  Now it's on to preparing for the Math MCAS in May!

Mrs. Finnerty

Field Trip - April 10th

The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking a field trip to the Colonial Theatre to see a performance on the Civil War.  Please remember to return your permission slip by Thursday, March 28th!

Bringing Technology Into the Classroom

Everyone that knows me knows that I am passionate about incorporating technology into teaching.  Anytime I can use technology to enhance or support a lesson I will.  I am excited about the addition of an iPad mini cart at Kittredge.  Check out my school fuel page to see a list of meaningful apps!

Mrs. Finnerty