Monday, April 14, 2014

Staff vs 5th Grade Volleyball Game

The second annual staff vs 5th grade volleyball game will be held Friday morning!

Mrs. Finnerty

June Field Trip

On June 4th the 5th grade will be taking a field trip to Becket Chimney Corners YMCA.  Students will be participating in a predator/prey presentation and also a team building exercise.  Lunch will be provided for the students.  We will leave Kittredge at 8:30 and will return by 2:00.  The cost is $10 per students.  Please send in CASH ONLY by May 1st.  Any families with a financial hardship may contact Mrs. White, Mrs. Frissell or myself.

I am very excited about his field trip!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Family Art Night Reminder

Reminder that Friday night is Family Art Night at Kittredge from 6:00 - 8:00!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Family Art Night

Friday night Mrs. Annand is hosting a family art night at Kittredge.  This is a FREE night for Kittredge students and families.  The theme of the art night is bullying.  Please return your slip indicating your t-shirt size by tomorrow if you plan on attending.  This sounds like a GREAT night!!

Mrs. Finnerty