Wednesday, April 27, 2016

College/Career T-Shirt Day

As many of you know May 1st is the deadline for seniors to make their final decision for their first year of college! To support our seniors the district is having a college/career t-shirt day on Monday, May 2nd. Wear your favorite college t-shirt, career t-shirt OR your Kittredge Cub t-shirt. Let's support our seniors! Also, it's never too early to talk about college and careers!

Mrs. Finnerty


There was a slight change in our PARCC schedule. Testing dates are as follows...

Thursday, April 28th
Friday, April 29th
Monday, May 2nd

If your child seems nervous, reassure them this test will not have any significant impact on them. All they can do to prepare is get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast and pack an extra healthy snack to be eaten before the test!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, April 1, 2016

Are you following us on Twitter?

Want to know what we are working on in class? Interested in seeing us connect with other classrooms? Follow us on Twitter @gr4learners! You can also catch our Twitter feed a little ways down on the right hand side of the home page. Our students Tweeters are doing an amazing job! It's great to give the students a voice and a chance to be heard by a broad and potentially global audience! It also teaches students how to interact positively using social media. They are establishing a positive digital footprint that will be necessary for them to secure a job and potentially get into college.

Mrs. Finnerty

Reviewing States and Capitals with Kahoot

We LOVE using Kahoot to review our states and capitals. After today's review I think we will all rock the state and capital quiz this afternoon!

Waiting For the Next Question!

Focused and Ready

View of Student Device

View of Question

Taekwondo Belt Ceremony

For the last 6 weeks the 1st, 3rd and 4th grade students have been participating in Taekwondo in PE. Wednesday, April 6th there will be a ceremony to honor the students' accomplishments. Please join us for the ceremony at 6:00pm in the school gym. Students should arrive at 5:30 to get dressed.

Please return the participation slip that was sent home on Thursday! Let me know if you need another copy.

Mrs. Finnerty