Monday, October 30, 2017

So much to be proud of!

This morning I came in to our classroom to find this note waiting for us...
Our message to students this year is that their actions impact others. This was such a great example of how spending 1 minute picking up our classroom at the end of the day made the custodian's night easier! It was such a small action on their part but had a big impact on Jim :) I am so proud of our 4th graders and the impact they have on the people around them! We were also the proud recipients of the Dustpan Award for the cleanest classroom last week! 
What a great way to start a rainy, dreary Monday!! 

Mrs. Finnerty

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Halloween (Tuesday, October 31st) will be a pajama day in 4th grade! Students may wear their pajamas, robes and/or slippers to school. Tuesday is a P.E. day so please make sure you have appropriate sneakers with you!

Students may also choose to wear a superhero t-shirt or sweatshirt instead of pajamas.

Students may also wear a Halloween or fall themed t-shirt or sweatshirt instead of pajamas. No costumes please!

I will provided a sweet treat at the end of the day!

In keeping with our wellness policy, please do not send candy to school with your child for a snack.

*Similar to the last two years there will be no costumes worn at any grade level at Kittredge.

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, September 28, 2017

End of September Update

It's hard to believe September is almost over! On Monday we will be welcoming a student teacher from MCLA into our classroom on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I am looking forward to collaborating with her!

We are learning how to form ideas about characters in our stories, how to plot our own stories using a story arc (story mountain), how to identify, extend and create patterns using shapes and numbers and the difference between a parallel circuit and a series circuit.

Important Dates
September 28 - PTO Game Night (6:00 - 7:30)
October 4 - School Pictures
October 6 -No School (Teacher In-service)
October 9 - No School (Columbus Day)
October 13 - PTO Fall Festival

Read the whole update here!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, September 21, 2017

What A Great Few Weeks!

We have had such a great start to our school year! We are still learning routines and expectations but I am so impressed with the work 4th grade is doing! We are stretching our thinking, building our stamina and working together improve our learning. I am so thankful I get to spend my days learning with these awesome 4th graders!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Art of Questioning

We are so thankful for Rona for stopping by 4th grade and teaching us the Art of Questioning! We worked on I notice, I wonder statements and envisioning the details of a story. I was so impressed with the ideas, thoughts and questions the 4th grade shared!

We can't wait to try some of these strategies in our reading and writing!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Half Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a half day! Dismissal is at 11:25.

Also, I am working on fixing the images that do not load in some of my posts!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Four 4's

At Open House tonight I shared the Four 4's activity we have been working on! We will keep working on finding equations at school but you can also work with your child at home! We really stretched our brains working with factorials, square roots, parenthesis and order of operations! This is a great activity to support growth mindset!

Mrs. Finnerty

Family Resources to Help Your Child At Home

My number one recommendation to help your child is to read. The more you can encourage independent reading at their "just right" level, the better! Reading to them or alternating pages is a great way to engage them in a book! Asking questions while reading with them will help elevate their learning even more! 

Here are links to websites I shared at open house...

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, September 1, 2017

Weekend Assignment

Weekend Assignment

1. Look for a rock. It needs to be oval and smooth (if only one side is smooth, that’s ok!). It should fit in the palm of an adult’s hand. Bring in your rock on Tuesday. You may bring in more than one rock if you would like to share with the class. No more than 3 rocks please :)
If you are unable to find a rock that fits this description, I will provide one for you!

2. Remind your family to complete the parent paper and information that was sent home on Wednesday if they have not already done so.

3. Remind your families to sign up for Remind!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Finnerty

Open House - Tuesday, September 12 (6:00 - 7:30). Time of 4th Grade Presentation is TBD.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Learning About Growth Mindset

Today we introduced the concept of Growth Mindset. After self-reflecting on our own growth mindset we read the book Your Fantastic Elastic Brain. Here is a read aloud you can watch at home! Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

Next we brainstormed all of our strengths and reflect on what we would like to get better at. 

Finally, we crumpled up a piece of paper and traced all of the wrinkles to show the neurons in our brain at work when we make a mistake. When we make a mistake our brain stretches and gets stronger! We learned that we need mistakes to become better learners! Check out some of our brains! 

Here are the big ideas we took away from the book! 
  • The brain is an organ that controls what you think, do, feel and remember
  • When you try hard to learn something new, connections grow from neurons and attach to other neurons
  • Making mistakes really helps you learn because your brain keeps trying new things and STRETCHING until you figure out the answer to your problem
  • You are shaping a more elastic brain when you learn new things that build on what you already know
We can't wait to show you this activity at Open House on Sept. 12th (6:00 - 7:30)

Mrs. Finnerty

Back To School Family Letter

I changed the settings so everyone should be able to view my Back to School Family Letter. I apologize if you were unable to access it last night!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome 4th Grade Superheroes!

I am anxiously awaiting your arrival this morning! I excited to get to know you and to learn with you! I love teaching 4th grade. You will learn and grow as a student and as a person over the course of the year. I hope to stretch your thinking, encourage you to take risks and teach you how you can learn from your mistakes. This year we will become a family that will support you through the incredible journey that 4th grade is! See you soon!

Mrs. Finnerty

Back to School Letter For Parents and Families

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Happy Summer!

Here are some summer resources for you! Remember to check Google Classroom throughout the summer to stay connected. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your summer adventures!

CBRSD Summer Reading Challenge

4th Grade Summer Reading/Supply List

Free Fun Fridays at Massachusetts Museums 

4th graders Have Free Admission to Every National Park! 

Mrs. Finnerty