Wednesday, June 25, 2014


During step up day students had a few questions about supplies.  Kittredge will supply students with all materials needed for 4th grade however if students would like to purchase their own, please make sure to follow the guidelines below for folders.

Folders - plastic with two pockets (no metal clips or fasteners on the inside)

Here is the letter and log students were given on the last day of school.

Mrs. Finnerty


Summer is here!! I don't know about you but I am looking forward to sleeping in, spending time outdoors, and just relaxing.  While summer is a great time to unwind from the school year, it is also a time where most students loose up to 2 months of learning.  Don't let that happen to you!  Find a fun way to continue practicing your math facts, keep writing, and reading.  Here are some suggestions...

  • Read at least 20 minutes a day.  You could do this while you are eating breakfast!  Bring a book outside and lounge by the pool or under a tree.  Do you subscribe to a magazine?? If not, ask your parents!  National Geographic, Ranger Rick, American Girl and Highlights are just a few of my favorites! 
  • Practice your math facts.  Go online and search for fun games on line or apps for your tablet.  Spend 20 minutes 3-4 times a week practicing!  Set a goal for yourself....can you solve 100 addition, subtraction and multiplication problems this summer??
  • Write, write write! Keep a journal or scrap book.  Take pictures and write about the pictures.  See if you can write a story a week! Writing will be a large part of our curriculum next year.  Start to build your stamina. 
  • Take a field trip!  Visit a museum or go to a play.  There is so much to do in the Berkshires and a lot of it is free! is a great site that keeps you up to date on what is happening in the Berkshires this summer!  (write about one of the trips you have taken!)
I can't wait to hear about all the exciting things you will do this summer! 

Mrs. Finnerty


If you have an iPad or Kindle, download the Overdrive app.  It allows you to connect to multiple libraries across the state.  You can download books and they will stay on your device for 2 weeks.  This is a great alternative to the conventional approach of borrowing books from the library.  Also, stop by your library to sign up for their summer reading program. Please share any great books or series you read.  I'm always looking for new suggestions!

Mrs. Finnerty

Congratulations 5th Grade!!

Congratulations to all graduates!  Best of luck at Nessacus!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, June 23, 2014


Graduation - Wednesday 10:00am

Graduation should last around an hour.  Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the graduation. Students are free to leave after graduation!

I've had a few parents ask about dress code.  We do not have a dress code for graduation but here are our suggestions...

Girls - dresses or skirts, dress pants - no short shorts

Boys - dress pants/khakis, dress shorts/khaki shorts, polo shirt or dress shirt (tie optional)

Again, these are just suggestions!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Simple Machine Project

All simple machine projects must be taken home by Friday afternoon.  If your child can not take their machine on the bus, please arrange to pick it up between 8:00am and 5:30pm Thursday or Friday.

Mrs. Finnerty


We are just about finished writing our research reports.  Tomorrow we will finish the bibliography.  Here is a great site for generating citations for a bibliography.
Keep this as a reference for middle school, high school and college!!! is another great site as well!

Mrs. Finnerty