Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Summer is here!! I don't know about you but I am looking forward to sleeping in, spending time outdoors, and just relaxing.  While summer is a great time to unwind from the school year, it is also a time where most students loose up to 2 months of learning.  Don't let that happen to you!  Find a fun way to continue practicing your math facts, keep writing, and reading.  Here are some suggestions...

  • Read at least 20 minutes a day.  You could do this while you are eating breakfast!  Bring a book outside and lounge by the pool or under a tree.  Do you subscribe to a magazine?? If not, ask your parents!  National Geographic, Ranger Rick, American Girl and Highlights are just a few of my favorites! 
  • Practice your math facts.  Go online and search for fun games on line or apps for your tablet.  Spend 20 minutes 3-4 times a week practicing!  Set a goal for yourself....can you solve 100 addition, subtraction and multiplication problems this summer??
  • Write, write write! Keep a journal or scrap book.  Take pictures and write about the pictures.  See if you can write a story a week! Writing will be a large part of our curriculum next year.  Start to build your stamina. 
  • Take a field trip!  Visit a museum or go to a play.  There is so much to do in the Berkshires and a lot of it is free! is a great site that keeps you up to date on what is happening in the Berkshires this summer!  (write about one of the trips you have taken!)
I can't wait to hear about all the exciting things you will do this summer! 

Mrs. Finnerty

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