Thursday, September 18, 2014

Multiplication Quizzes

We have our 2nd multiplication quiz this Friday!  I'd like to see students improve by 10 problems which will improve their score by about 20 points!  Students should be working on these facts nightly.  Students should spend about 30 minutes practicing their facts.  Break the 30 minutes into two 15 minute study sessions.  Maybe one before dinner and one before bed??? Research shows that smaller, more frequent chucks of time spent studying are better than a long marathon session!  You could even do three 10 minute sessions!

Also, please remember that the lowest grade will be dropped.  These quizzes are worth 10% of your child's math grade.  Please let me know if you would like some specific ideas or suggestions.  This week our focus was on the 4's tables.  I'd love to see all students correctly answering all 3's, 4's and 5's tomorrow!

Mrs. Finnerty

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