Thursday, December 17, 2015

Continents and Oceans

Students will map quiz on Tuesday. They will be expected to label the continents and oceans. They will be bringing home two maps to study from but may also use this map as well.

There are resources under the Social Studies tab to help students study for our first vocabulary quiz. Vocabulary posters and memory/matching game were sent home today.

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

School Store Tomorrow (Thursday)

PTO will open the school store tomorrow morning (Thursday). Please have your children put their money into a gallon sized zip lock bag. All items purchased along with change will be place in the zip lock bag. Thank you!

Mrs. Finnerty

Reading Workshop

Today we are using the organization strategy of box and bullets to identify the main idea and details of a text. Using Wonderopolis students recorded the main idea and details of an article in their reading notebooks.

How do QR codes work?

Today's Wonder of the Day on Wonderopolis is How do QR codes work? We thought this was an interesting article considering our use of QR codes in the classroom!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Learning Objectives Week of December 14th

4th Grade Learning Objectives
Week of December 14th

Students will be able to...

  • summarize nonfiction writing by expressing the main idea and details in my own words
  • decide who will do what, when and how as part of a research team
  • read many text about a subtopic and ask “Does this add to what I have learned?” “Changed what I have learned?”
  • understand how authors write nonfiction articles differently from nonfiction books.

  • brainstorm ideas for their opinion writing
  • develop a thesis in which they state their claim
  • support their thesis with 3 pieces of evidence

  • solve 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication problems using the standard algorithm
  • solve multiple step word problems

Social Studies

  • identify and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans
  • identify and locate the 5 regions of the United States
  • identify and locate the states (and capitals) in the Northeast Region

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Winter Concert

The Winter Concert at Kittredge will be held Monday, January 11th at 1:30 in the school gym. All are welcome!


  • Wear a white shirt
  • Black or dark blue bottoms
No blue jeans please!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, December 7, 2015

Author Share

We have finished our first writing unit and published our realistic fiction stories! Students have a copy to bring home to you today. Student stories have also been posted outside our room to share with the Kittredge Community. A new rubric/learning progression will be sent home later this week!

Mrs. Finnerty

PARCC Results

Results from the Spring PARCC test were sent home today (Monday 12/7). If you  have questions or would like help understanding them, let me know! I can meet with you or talk with you over the phone to clarify any information.

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Scripts Fundraiser Extended

The PTO has extended the Scripts fundraiser until December 14th. Your child brought home a blue information sheet today. You can purchase gift cards by returning the paper to the school with cash or check or ordering them on-line and sending in cash or a check.

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Winter Concert

Our winter concert will take place in January this year. More information will follow shortly!


Reminder...Friday is a Half Day

Just a reminder that students will be dismissed at noon on Friday so teachers can participate in professional development! No lunch will be served.

Mrs. Finnerty

Reading Workshop

I have added some new information under the reading tab. We have entered our second reading unit and I have included some information to help you understand what students need to be able to do to read nonfiction texts successfully. I will continue to update the information as we progress through our unit!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Science Unit D Chapter 2 vocab words

Unit D Chapter 2 Science Vocabulary Words were sent home today. They are also posted under the Science tab on this website. Students were given a memory/matching game as well as vocabulary posters which have the word, definition and a picture.

Vocabulary Quiz will be Wednesday, November 25th.

The vocabulary words have also been posted in Quizlet!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bands of Text Complexity

During conferences we spent time looking the bands of text complexity to understand the expectations of readers at all levels. Here is a link to the website where you can find a copy of the bands of text complexity.

Band of Text Complexity 

Wondering what bands of text complexity are? Check out this website! 

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, November 9, 2015

Parent Conferences

I am looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow during Parent Conferences! Here is a sneak peak at the bulletin board outside our classroom. I hope this will provide you with a better idea of our reading, writing and math program!

Pajama Day

We love Pajama Day in 4th grade!! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

New Science Vocab Words Posted to Quizlet

Unit D Chapter 1 (Magnetism) vocabulary words have been posted to Quizlet. Vocab posters were sent home with all students today. You can access the vocab posters under the Science tab of this website. Vocab quiz will be on Friday, November 6th.

Mrs. Finnerty

Science and Social Studies

We have made the decision to continue right through with our Science units and hold off on starting Social Studies until 3rd quarter. 

Quarter 2 - Science (Electricity and Magnetism) 

Quarter 3 and 4 - Social Studies (States and Capitals, 5 regions of U.S., immigration)

There will be no Social Studies grades on Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 report cards. 

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Buck A Book

The PTO is hosting a "Buck A Book" book fair during conferences this year. All books will be on sale for $1. In order for this to be successful, we need book donations. If you have any gently used books at home, please consider donating them for this fundraiser. All proceeds will go directly to the Kittredge Library! Thank you for all your support!

Mrs. Finnerty

End of 1st Quarter

I can't believe tomorrow marks the end of 1st quarter! We have learned so much over the last nine weeks! Just a reminder...

  • report cards will be sent home Friday, November 6th. 
  • parent conferences will be held Tuesday, November 10th. I will send home information about signing up for conferences in your child's report card (this is only if you did not sign up at open house)
  • if you signed up for a conference at open house, I will remind you of your time on your child's report card. 
  • your child's reading and writing "grade" will be different this year. There will be an information packet in your child's report card which explains this. We can also discuss this during our conferences. I will be happy to answer any and all questions! Even if I have to go and search out an answer :)
There will be a lot of information coming home in your child's report card. Please don't be overwhelmed! I will help you to understand it all during our conference! 

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, October 19, 2015

Halloween Dance

The Kittredge PTO is hosting a Halloween Dance..

When: Friday, October 23, 2015

Time: 7:00 - 9:00

Where: In the gym

Wear your costume and be ready to dance!!

Mrs. Finnerty

Book Orders

Book Orders were sent home today. Orders will be due on Friday, October 23rd. To order on-line use class code H6W66. If you send your order in to school, remember to send a check (made out to Scholastic Book Clubs).

Here are my favorite picks from this month's order!
What Were the Salem Witch Trials?
Who Is Derek Jeter? Even though I'm a Red Sox Fan :)
The Tale of Despereaux (By Kate DiCamillo author of Tiger Rising!)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Old School (Available November 3rd)

Our classroom earns points for books and free books every time you order! Thank you for supporting your child's reading and our classroom library!

Mrs. Finnerty

Here is what we are learning this week...

New Science Vocabulary Posted to Quizlet

Unit E Chapter 3 vocabulary words have been posted to Quizlet,

Copies of the vocab terms and definitions have been added to the Science page of this site.

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What is Air?

Today we used Padlet to share what we know about air. 

Kittredge T-Shirts and Sweatshirts

Don't forget to order your new Kittredge apparel! PTO is accepting orders through October 30th.

Mrs. Finnerty

Practice Lock Down Drill

This morning we had a practice lock down drill. Students moved quickly and quietly to the safe area in our classroom and we received a nice compliment from the police officers when they unlocked our door and let us out of the practice drill. We had a great discussion about the different types of lock down drills and how to be safe and what to do to be safe in all different types of situations!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Picture Day Tomorrow

Remind tomorrow (Wednesday, October 7th) is picture day!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, October 2, 2015

Missing Math Book

We are missing a math book. Please check at home for our missing book!

Thank you!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Unit E Chapter 2 Science Vocabulary

Unit E Chapter 2 Vocabulary terms have been added to Quizlet! You can also find them under the Science tab. Students were given a copy of the words and definitions that can be used to play memory or a matching game today.

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Being Prepared Each Day

I am noticing a large number of students are forgetting their Take Home Folder, Planner (agenda) and "Just Right Book" at home very frequently. Please take a minute to make sure your child has returned all their materials, including homework, to their backpack. Doing this the night before helps to prevent chaotic mornings! 

Also, please empty your child's take home folder each night. They should only return to school with their homework, any notes for the teacher and/or lunch money. Please keep their work at least until the quarter ends! Remember, homework makes a great studying tool!

Mrs. Finnerty

Looking Ahead

As we close out our first Science chapter and our first Math topic, here is what we are learning about next!

Mrs. Finnerty

Picture Day

Picture Day will be Wednesday, October 7th. Information was sent home yesterday.

Mrs. Finnerty

Follow By E-Mail

The follow by e-mail function on this blog is not working. I know some of you have tried to enter your e-mail and have been told you are not authorized to do this. We are looking in to this as other blogs in the district are having this problem.

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, September 28, 2015

Wednesday's Math Test

Our first Math test will be on Wednesday (Topic 1). Here are some suggestions on how to prepare for this topic test...

  • Review old homework assignments (these will be passed back tomorrow)
  • Review pg. 34 (practice test)
  • Review tonight's homework
  • Review vocabulary words from each section. Study the pink banner at the top of each lesson. 
Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wonder Wednesday

Students spent time during reading today on Wonderopolis exploring and reading about wonders of the day. Some of our favorite wonders were...

  • Why can't dogs eat chocolate? 
  • Why are bowling shoes so slippery?
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • Why is the ocean blue when the water is clear?

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, September 21, 2015

District e-mail accounts

Use the following example to help you figure out your child's e-mail address. Just change it to fit your child. All students will have a 24 in their account because that is their graduation year. Passwords are in your child's agenda.

John Smith

Mrs. Finnerty

Quizlet Accounts

We will be using as a way to learn our Science and Social Studies vocabulary cards. Students can access this website by using their school Google Account. Follow the steps below.
1. Go to

2. Click the red sign up with Google.

3. Enter district e-mail and password.

4. Search for our class at the top (Mrs. Finnerty's Fourth Grade)

5. After you search, click on classes and we should be the first one!

If you have a tablet at home, students can download the free app.

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Follow Our Website By E-Mail

If you scroll down the main page of this website, on the right hand side, you will see a follow by e-mail box. Add your e-mail here to get e-mail notifications every time I post something!

Mrs. Finnerty

Why I Can't Skip My 20 Minutes of Reading

Here is a great resource that shows both visually and statistically why you can't skip your 20 minutes of reading tonight.

Why I Can't Skip My 20 Minutes of Reading

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, September 14, 2015

Open House

Open House is Wednesday night (September 16th) from 6:00 - 8:00. All teachers will be presenting at 6:15 and 7:00. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, September 11, 2015

Our First Guest Reader!

This morning our Superintendent, Ms. Casna, stopped by to read us a story. Everyone enjoyed "The Day The Crayons Quit." We are looking forward to reading the new book she gave to our classroom, "The Day The Crayons Came Home." We will be working on creating book reviews for the these two books and sharing them with other students in the district.

We would love for you to be a guest reader this year! It would be great to have readers come into the classroom but we could also have guest readers Skype or FaceTime with us! Look for more information to come home with your child early next week!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day

What a busy first day! I really enjoyed getting to know the 4th grade. We accomplished a lot today! I think we will all sleep well tonight!

Parents received a lot of paperwork tonight! I really appreciate you taking the time to complete it all as quickly as possible! Please return all the paperwork in the envelope it came it.

I hope the students enjoy filling their brown bags tonight. I can't wait to hear what you all have to share!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome Back!

September is almost here! I am looking forward to cider donuts, football and a new school year. I've spent a lot of time this summer completely redesigning our classroom. You will notice a difference as you walk through the door Tuesday. I have a lot of exciting news to share about our learning this year. We will also be welcoming two new students! Here are a few sneak peaks of the classroom! See you soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Looking For Something To Do This Summer?

Looking for some fun summer activities? Check out Berkshire Macaroni Kids for the scoop on everything happening in Berkshire County this summer!

Mrs. Finnerty

End of School Letter

Our End of School Letter was sent home today. You may also access it here!

End of School Letter

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Social Studies Review Sheet

Here is the Chapter 12 Social Studies review sheet.

Chapter 12 Social Studies Review Sheet

A hard copy will be distributed in class tomorrow.

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, June 8, 2015

Studying States and Capitals

Here are some websites that you can use to study the states and capitals...

Puzzle map is a great app to download on your apple product!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Chaperone's Need

I am looking for 2-3 chaperones for our field trip to Mt. Greylock on Wednesday, June 10th. Chaperones need to have a current, up to date CORI on file with the district. The hike is about a mile and a half on an easy path.

Mrs. Finnerty

Congratulations Battle of the Books Contestants!

I am pleased to announce that Kittredge Battle of the Books teams took 1st, 2nd and 4th place in today's battle at Becket Washington! Congratulations to all contestants. Your hard work and dedication paid off. I am so proud of you!

Battle of the Books Members

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Project Funded!!!!

Our project was funded! Thank you so much for all of you who donated towards our project of building a leveled library! It means so much to me that you share a passion for reading. These materials will reach all students and hopefully create some life long readers! I am so appreciative of your support. I hope to continue to build and establish a classroom library that inspires children to read. "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go." Dr. Seuss

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, April 13, 2015

Help Support Our Classroom

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Over the weekend I posted a project to the Donors Choose website. The project is called Fantastic Fourth Graders Need a Leveled Library. The project consists of a variety of books (fiction and nonfiction) in a range of levels. Our classroom library needs more fiction and non fiction texts in a variety of levels to support our reading and writing program. 

Here is the link to my project on Donors Choose 

Check out my project and the books requested. Any donation in the next 7 days (until April 20th) will be matched dollar for dollar by Donors Choose. Use the promo code SPARK to double your donation (up to $100). 

You may remember that I had a project funded in August that brought Scholastic News and Time For Kids into our classroom for the school year. The students LOVE the magazines and really enjoy reading about current events. I can't begin to tell you how excited they get when a new book order comes in and I can add more books to our library. Students are excited about reading and love having choices! These books are books that students have requested or shown interest in. I try my hardest to provide the students with any book they are interested in. 

Thank you for considering a donation to our project. I appreciate all your support this school year! 

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bowling This Sunday!

Kittredge PTO is sponsoring another fun and free activity!

What: Bowling

When: Sunday (March 29th) 2:00 - 4:00

Where: Ken's Bowl - Pittsfield

Make sure you tell them you are with Kittredge!

Mrs. Finnerty


Don't forget tonight (Thursday) the PTO is having a BINGO night in the cafeteria at Kittredge from 6:30 -7:30.

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Successful First Day of PARCC Testing

We had a very successful first day of PARCC testing. I'm very proud of the 4th grade as they were the first ones to take the test at Kittredge. Everything went smoothly and we are looking forward to day 2 of testing tomorrow!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, March 13, 2015

February and March KES Awards

Congratulations to our February KES recipients Zach and Casey!

Congratulations to our March KES recipients Ava and Jack!

Remember, in order to receive a KES award you need to be...

Kind and Respectful
Ready to Learn

Mrs. Finnerty

PARCC Testing

Our schedule for PARCC testing is as follows...

  • March 18th 
  • March 19th
  • March 20th
  • March 31st
  • April 1st
These tests are nothing students should be worried about. We ask that they try their best and give 100%. If your child seems nervous about these tests please remind them to just try their best! A good night's sleep and a healthy breakfast is the best way to prepare for these tests. 

Mrs. Finnerty

Field Trip Monday!

Reminder...we will taking a field trip Monday to the Mahaiwe Theatre in Great Barrington. We plan to leave school around 8:45 and return to school by 12:30. All students need to bring a cold lunch from home. Hot lunch will NOT be served Monday for students in grades 1-5.

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wear Red on Thursday

Thursday is wear red day.  We will pass out Valentine's in the morning.  If your child wants to bring in Valentine's for the class, he/she must have one for each student. A list of student names was sent home today. We will have a small party. I will provide the sweet treat. 

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Copier at Kittredge is Down

The copier at school is down so I was unable to copy tonight's homework, reference sheet and spelling words. Homework will be given from the book and the reference sheet and spelling words will be posted on our website
Reference sheet - under math reference sheets (Finding Common Denominators)

Here is a video you can watch to help you as well! Comparing Fractions - Finding a Common Denominator

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, January 23, 2015

Arizona Pizza Fundraiser

Kittredge PTO will be having a fundraiser at Arizona Pizza (Lanesboro) on February 8th from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Arizona Pizza will donate 15% of the sales during this time if you mention Kittredge. Spread the word to friends and family!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Math Game Fridays

Our next Math Game Friday will be January 30th. Any parents who are willing to volunteer for an hour (1:00 - 2:00) are welcome! We are also looking for parents who would like to come in and read to the class.  I have a great selection of books if you don't have a favorite!

Mrs. Finnerty

January KES Awards

Congratulations to Abby and Eric who are the recipients of the January KES award.

Past recipients include Cole (December) and Kristina (October/November).

Criteria to earn a KES award including being Kind and Respectful, Ready to Learn and Safe.

Mrs. Finnerty

Looking for a Good Book?

Looking for a good book to read? Bored with what's in the classroom? Explore your local library! Check out this week's New York Times Best Seller List.  Have you read any of them? If not, check with me to see what books are in our classroom library. If I don't have it, check your local library!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, January 5, 2015

States and Capitals

Even though we are in the middle of our Science unit on Magnetism and Electricity, students should still be reviewing the Northeast and Southeast States and Capitals.  All state and capital quizzes will be cummulative.

Mrs. Finnerty

Rainbow Factor Line

Students have examples of how to use the rainbow factor line to find factor pairs in their math notebooks.  If you need more information check out the video we watch in school today!

Mrs. Finnerty

Winter Weather

Based on the weather, I would predict we will be having indoor recess for the remainder of the week. However this is a good time to remind students that they must bring a winter jacket, hats and gloves to school every day during the winter months and cold weather.  Students will not be allowed outside without proper attire.

Mrs. Finnerty