Sunday, May 15, 2016

Final State and Capital Quiz

It's time for our final state and capital quiz! The students are prepared and ready to tackle all 50 states! To help prepare of this test I have broken it into two sessions.

Tuesday, May 17th - Students will be responsible for identifying all 50 states on a map.

Friday, May 20th - Students will be responsible for naming the capitals of all 50 states.

We have spent a lot of time preparing for this test in school. Students have many resources to prepare including map apps, Quizlet, and laminated maps.

Please take 15 - 20 minutes each night to review!

Mrs. Finnerty

Upcoming Events

I am still looking for 1 or 2 more parents to join us on our field trip to Mt. Greylock on Tuesday, June 7th. It will be a short, easy hike to the summit. We will leave Kittredge at 9:00 and return by 1:15.

Math PARCC - May 23, May 24, May 31, June 1

Battle of the Books - June 3rd

Spring Concert - Wednesday, June 8th 1:30

Field Day - Thursday, June 9th

Last Day of School - Wednesday, June 15th (full day)

Mrs. Finnerty

New Messaging Tool

Families I need your help! I am always looking for ways to improve communication between school and home. During the last few weeks of school I will be trying out a new messaging tool called Remind. Remind will allow me to send messages and reminders directly to your phone or e-mail. I will use this tool to remind you about
  • upcoming tests/quizzes
  • district/school events
  • field trips
  • general school information
Your information is always kept private and I won’t be able to see your phone number. At the end of the year, I will ask for some feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of this tool. Directions on how to sign up for the messages will be sent home Monday. You can also sign up by visiting this site

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Battle of the Books

Kittredge is getting ready for Battle of the Books on June 3rd! These 4th graders stayed after school for a half hour just to read and prepare. Now that's determination!

Science Outdoors

What a great day to conduct a Science investigation outdoors!! Today we learned about erosion and deposition using stream tables. This was the perfect investigation to take outside. We learned that clay deposits farther away than sand. Because sand is heavier, it doesn't travel as far.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Using Google Maps to Virtually Visit and Tour Colleges

We had a great time yesterday using Google Maps to virtually visit colleges. It was college/career t-shirt day in the district so it was a great opportunity to talk about what careers students are interested in. From there we searched for colleges near and far that had programs that matched our career choices. Students visited and toured UMASS Amherst, MIT, Berklee College of Music, Oxford University, Penn State, Massachusetts Firefighting Academy and University of Wisconsin just to name a few! I loved the conversations it started and how amazed students were while viewing college campuses!

Historical Fiction Book Clubs

We were so excited to start our Historical Fiction Book Clubs today! Check out the new information under the reading tab to see what we learned today! We began this unit using picture books. The mentor text we are using is Rose Blanche by Roberto Innocenti. Book clubs are reading, The Butterfly by Patricia Polacco, The Harmonica by Tony Johnson or The Bracelet by Yoshiko Uchida.

Mrs. Finnerty