Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Kai's Journey to Gold Mountain

Read about Kai's experience at Angel Island...

4th Graders Free Admission to National Parks

Today we concluded our immigration unit by using Google Maps to visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. This would be a GREAT day trip or overnight this summer! You can enter through New York City or New Jersey (much easier). 4th graders have free admission to ALL national parks so this summer would be a great time to venture out to a National Park around us! https://www.everykidinapark.gov/

Mrs. Finnerty

Library Field Trip

Yesterday we took a walking field trip to the Hinsdale Library! We learned a little bit about how the library is organized and what is available through the library. Students participated in a scavenger hunt around the library. Then we all left with our own library cards! I hope they get a lot of use over the summer!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Good Luck Battle of the Books Contestants!!

Today is the day! Good luck to all our Battle of the Book contestants in grades 3 - 5. We are so proud of you!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Field Trip Information

Field Trip Information

Students will be hiking a portion of Mt. Greylock, ending at the top by the observatory!

On Tuesday, June 7th the fourth grade will be taking a field trip to Mt. Greylock. We will depart Kittredge by 9:00 and will return by 1:30 p.m. Please read the following carefully so your child is prepared for this trip!

Students will need…
  • comfortable sneakers or hiking boots (it can be very muddy and wet so please wear old sneakers that you don’t mind getting dirty!) NO FLIP FLOPS
  • comfortable hiking clothes (please dress in layers, it may be cool in the morning but HOT in the afternoon!)
  • a cold lunch (we will eat lunch at the top!) Please do not pack anything that needs to be refrigerated.
  • 2 water bottles (one to keep on the hike and one for after)
  • to wear sunscreen (students may bring bug spray)

Students may bring a camera but Kittredge will not take responsibility for any lost, stolen or broken cameras.

I am looking forward to a great day!!

Mrs. Finnerty