Thursday, June 2, 2016

Field Trip Information

Field Trip Information

Students will be hiking a portion of Mt. Greylock, ending at the top by the observatory!

On Tuesday, June 7th the fourth grade will be taking a field trip to Mt. Greylock. We will depart Kittredge by 9:00 and will return by 1:30 p.m. Please read the following carefully so your child is prepared for this trip!

Students will need…
  • comfortable sneakers or hiking boots (it can be very muddy and wet so please wear old sneakers that you don’t mind getting dirty!) NO FLIP FLOPS
  • comfortable hiking clothes (please dress in layers, it may be cool in the morning but HOT in the afternoon!)
  • a cold lunch (we will eat lunch at the top!) Please do not pack anything that needs to be refrigerated.
  • 2 water bottles (one to keep on the hike and one for after)
  • to wear sunscreen (students may bring bug spray)

Students may bring a camera but Kittredge will not take responsibility for any lost, stolen or broken cameras.

I am looking forward to a great day!!

Mrs. Finnerty    

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