Thursday, March 24, 2016


A few students have spent the last two weeks working on an infographic to support their persuasive writing. Students were shown one example and given a few pieces of advice. Other than that, they were left along to create a visual to support their writing. Students created surveys in Google Forms and shared it with Grades 3 - 5. They used the information they collected to help them with their infographic. After a quick lesson on text boxes and Google Drawing, students set off to create these visual pieces. I loved seeing the students search for images that were labeled for reuse! I'm really proud of what the students produced with little guidance and support!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Colonial Theatre Field Trip

Please return your permission slip for our field trip to the Colonial Theatre next week!

Mrs. Finnerty

Math Test Postponed Until Wednesday, March 30th

Topic 12 Math test has been moved to Wednesday, March 30th!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, March 21, 2016


Today we held our debate about the Boston Massacre. We've been researching and learning about the Boston Massacre from the perspective of the colonists and the perspective of the British soldiers. We crafted our ideas using the following phrases to help us...

I take the position that...

My first reason for this is...

My evidence for this is...

Our debatable idea was "Should the British soldiers be tried for murder?"

Check out these videos as students presented their position and the other side responded with evidence to disprove them. Everyone had a chance to share today! Also check out the students who took the side supporting the British soldiers. They decided on their own to wear red to show their support and appear united! I saw a lot of great work today! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our First Tweet

We sent off our first tweet this afternoon! We talked about who were are and what our purpose on Twitter is. Together we crafted our first post and created the hashtag #KittredgeCubLearners. We also found two other classrooms to follow. One classroom mentioned Wonder as one of their favorite books. Hannah was our first student tweeter. We helped Hannah write a tweet to this classroom to share that we are reading Wonder and LOVING IT! You can follow us on Twitter @gr4learners or follow our Twitter feed on the right hand side of this page (just below Follow By E-Mail). We can't wait to see if they respond! 

Mrs. Finnerty

Did you know...

Did you know that if you have read 20 minutes each afternoon/night that we have been in school, you would have read 2,360 minutes!! That doesn't include weekends, holidays or vacations! What if you read an extra 5 minutes each of these days? You would have read an extra 900 minutes!

This was a conversation we had today. When there is no written homework assigned, I often hear "We have no homework tonight!" This is incorrect...we always have 15-20 minutes of reading to do each night. Some nights when there are no tests to study for and no written homework (like tonight) students may be asked to read longer (30 minutes).

The only way to get better at something is to practice. Students should be reading and practicing skills they learned in class. But most importantly, my hope is that students will find a love for reading (if they haven't already) and become life long readers!

Mrs. Finnerty

Surprise Band Concert at Lunch

The Kindergarten, First and Second grades were surprised with a band concert at lunch today! I was so impressed with how well the band played the Chicken Dance. Everyone was up and dancing! What a great way to celebrate Music in the Schools Month! We have such talented students at Kittredge!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Learning Through Investigating

We have finished our first investigation! Students spent this past week examining soil and determining what materials are found in soil. We will finish Tuesday by determining what environment each soil sample is from. 

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Today we celebrated Read Across America Day in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday. Mrs. Dwyer and I were so excited to bring our classes together to celebrate. We read "What Pet Should I Get?" (thank you Mrs. Buckley for purchasing it for us!) and then created our own imaginary pet with a How To guide for caring for them! We had so much fun pairing up with the 1st grade. This afternoon the whole school stopped what they were doing and read for 15 minutes. It was really fun bringing our books everywhere today because we had no idea when it would be!

Mrs. Finnerty