Monday, March 21, 2016


Today we held our debate about the Boston Massacre. We've been researching and learning about the Boston Massacre from the perspective of the colonists and the perspective of the British soldiers. We crafted our ideas using the following phrases to help us...

I take the position that...

My first reason for this is...

My evidence for this is...

Our debatable idea was "Should the British soldiers be tried for murder?"

Check out these videos as students presented their position and the other side responded with evidence to disprove them. Everyone had a chance to share today! Also check out the students who took the side supporting the British soldiers. They decided on their own to wear red to show their support and appear united! I saw a lot of great work today! 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing job, Mrs. Finnerty' grade 4! Your research really paid off. You both presented solid evidence to back up your position.
