Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Did you know...

Did you know that if you have read 20 minutes each afternoon/night that we have been in school, you would have read 2,360 minutes!! That doesn't include weekends, holidays or vacations! What if you read an extra 5 minutes each of these days? You would have read an extra 900 minutes!

This was a conversation we had today. When there is no written homework assigned, I often hear "We have no homework tonight!" This is incorrect...we always have 15-20 minutes of reading to do each night. Some nights when there are no tests to study for and no written homework (like tonight) students may be asked to read longer (30 minutes).

The only way to get better at something is to practice. Students should be reading and practicing skills they learned in class. But most importantly, my hope is that students will find a love for reading (if they haven't already) and become life long readers!

Mrs. Finnerty

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