Wednesday, August 28, 2019

First Day

Wow! What a great 1st day. We worked really hard today and accomplished a lot. I'm exhausted and I'm sure your child is too. We read a fantastic story to start our day called "The Day You Begin." We stretched our thinking, interpreted the author's message and even found some symbolism. And this was all before 9:30. I loved seeing friends reunite, new students welcomed with smiles and enthusiasm about 4th grade.

Your child brought home a new home/school folder and some paper work to complete. Please work together with your child to empty their folder. Please return the paperwork by Friday.

I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow morning! If your child had any questions or concerns about their 1st day please call or email me

Here is a read aloud of "The Day You Begin"

Mrs. Finnerty

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