Wednesday, August 21, 2019

One Week From Today!

Wow! In one week we will be just about finished with our first day of school! I am working really hard to put the finishing touches on our classroom. Each year I change it just a bit and this year I think the set up is the best one yet. It makes me so excited for you to see it. As I look forward to next week I'd like to share with you three things I am looking forward to this school year and three things I am looking forward to doing during my last few days of summer! I'd love to hear from you! What are you looking forward to? What do you want to do with your last few days of summer?

Three Things I am Looking Forward to this School Year

  • New books! We must have over 100 new books in our library! 
  • We have a new projector in our room! No more messy cords! Hopefully I learn how to set it up and use it by the first day of school! 
  • Getting to know each of you and learning with you every day! 

Three Things I Want to Do During My Last Days of Summer
  • Finish the book I am reading! 
  • Enjoy a beautiful day on the lake with my husband's family
  • Take a hike with my husband 
You can email me at with your responses! See you soon! 

Mrs. Finnerty


  1. Dear Mrs Finnerty, I can’t wait to come to class to meet you all. I am finishing a book, Kenny the Dragon. For the last days of my vacation I will be going to picnics, the fair, and playing with my dog Ruby. See you soon! Camryn Paris

  2. Dear Mrs. Finnerty, the 3 things I am looking forward to doing in the last days of summer are playing with my new puppy named Kolbee,(and my dog Komet too, of course) riding my new 4 wheeler and takeing horseback riding lessons. See you next week,
    Kassidee Bolduc
