Sunday, December 7, 2014


Bravo! to all the students who worked so hard to make the production of Annie a success! I am blown away by the all the talent Kittredge students have to offer. Their dedication over the past few months paid off. I am so proud of you all!

Mrs. Finnerty

Food Drive

Just a reminder that our food drive is still going on! Boxes are located in the lobby.  Students can drop their donations there on the way to class each morning.

Mrs. Finnerty

Holiday Sale

Happy December!

4th grade will have a chance to shop at the Holiday Sale this Thursday! More information will be sent home this week!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Math Game Fridays!

Our first Math Game Friday is right around the corner and I am still looking for volunteers!  Please let me know by Tuesday if you would like to help out on Friday, November 7th.

Mrs. Finnerty


Students may BRING their costumes to school on Friday.  Students can change into their costumes after lunch. Remember props, wigs, masks, face paint/make-up are not allowed.

I will provide a sweet treat for our classroom party Friday afternoon.  I am not asking students to bring in any food for this party because we have limited time Friday afternoon.  We will celebrate simply this time!

Mrs. Finnerty

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Box Top Competition Ends Tuesday

Box Top Competition ends Tuesday.  If you have box tops at home, send them in.  The classroom with the most box tops earns Kittredge Cash. Thank you to those who have already sent theirs in!

Mrs. Finnerty

Letter to Parents

This letter will be sent home on Tuesday.

Dear Parents,

I am fortunate enough to have several opportunities to attend some excellent professional development workshops/conferences in the next two weeks.  I will be out of the classroom on a few occasions in the upcoming weeks.  While it is not ideal to be out of the classroom, it is certainly worth it for workshops and conferences that will improve my teaching.  Below is a schedule of the workshops and conferences.  

Wednesday, October 22nd - MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Technology Conference - Gillette Stadium

Friday, October 24th - PARCC Workshop - Berkshire Community College

Tuesday, October 28th - Keys to Literacy - Reading Workshop - Marlborough, MA

While it is unusual for professional development opportunities to fall so close together, it is beneficial to be attending them early in the year. I am confident that my substitute will be able to continue our lessons with minimal disruptions. Even though I will be out of the classroom, I will still be available by e-mail.

Mrs. Finnerty

Internet in CBRSD will be down until Wednesday

We will be without internet until Wednesday at all schools in the district.  I will be able to check my e-mail from home but not while I am at school.  If you need to get in touch with me right away, please call the school.  Otherwise I will respond to your e-mail at night.  I will continue to post homework from home at night.  I have already uploaded this week's spelling words and all Social Studies vocabulary references for your convenience.

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Social Studies Vocabulary Pictures

Just a reminder pictures to accompany Unit 1 Social Studies vocabulary words are available under the Social Studies tab on our classroom website.

Vocabulary Quiz will be Tuesday, October 21st.

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Making An Organized List Video

Want to see how to use the strategy making an organized list?  Check out this video!  This link is also posted on the reference sheet that went home with students today. Watch it with your child tonight!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Picture Day Wednesday

Just a reminder...picture day is Wednesday!

Mrs. Finnerty

MCAS Scores Coming Home Today

MCAS Scores will be sent home today.  Please let me know if I can help you understand these scores or answer any questions.  I'd be happy to help!

Mrs. Finnerty

Science Vocabulary Pictures

Under the Science tab on our classroom website you will find pictures to support Unit E Chapter 3 Vocabulary Quiz.  Download them and/or print them!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Today we had a special assembly to promote KES at Kittredge.  T.E.V. (The Educated Voice) came to Kittredge to spread his message about
1. Being Creative
2. Getting Busy
3. Love
4. Respect
5. Stop Bullying
The students were dancing and singing and interacting the whole time!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weather Websites

Interested in learning more about weather?? Want more information about what we are talking about in class?? Check out these websites!


Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Multiplication Quizzes

We have our 2nd multiplication quiz this Friday!  I'd like to see students improve by 10 problems which will improve their score by about 20 points!  Students should be working on these facts nightly.  Students should spend about 30 minutes practicing their facts.  Break the 30 minutes into two 15 minute study sessions.  Maybe one before dinner and one before bed??? Research shows that smaller, more frequent chucks of time spent studying are better than a long marathon session!  You could even do three 10 minute sessions!

Also, please remember that the lowest grade will be dropped.  These quizzes are worth 10% of your child's math grade.  Please let me know if you would like some specific ideas or suggestions.  This week our focus was on the 4's tables.  I'd love to see all students correctly answering all 3's, 4's and 5's tomorrow!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

YouTube Videos

New Science videos have been uploaded to the classroom website under the YouTube Tab.  We have watched and discussed them in class.  Feel free to watch them at home too!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, September 15, 2014

Wednesday - Half Day Dismissal

Wednesday is a half day for all students in the district.  We will dismiss students at 12:00pm. After school care is available.  Please contact the school if interested.

Mrs. Finnerty

Book Orders

Book Orders are due Friday, September 19th. Our class code for ordering on-line is H6W66.

If you choose not to order on-line please send in a check.  No cash please!

Mrs. Finnerty

Lesson 1 Spelling Words

We had an unexpected school gathering this morning (Monday) and I was unable to give our Lesson 1 spelling pre-test.  I will give the pre-test tomorrow and the post test will be Friday.  Spelling words will be uploaded to the website tomorrow.

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, September 8, 2014

Agendas/Student Planners

Remember students are recording homework assignments on the day they are due, not the day they are assigned!

Mrs. Finnerty

Open House

Open House is Wednesday night from 6:00-8:00.  I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know families.  I plan to present twice on Wednesday night and hope to inform you on classroom policies and expectations, new state standardized testing as well as how to access my website and blog.  I will send home the presentation times tomorrow with students.  See you Wednesday!

Mrs. Finnerty

PTO Fundraiser

Coupon Books went home with students today.  If you do not want to purchase the book, please return it to school as soon as possible.

Mrs. Finnerty

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My Project Has Been Funded!!

Within 4 hours of sharing this project, it was funded!  I have amazing friends and family who donated and helped make this possible.  However, I had one donor who took a "pay it forward" approach.  He was my first donor and last.  He donated twice and was the one who donated the remaining balance so I wouldn't lose out on an incredible opportunity from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  The best part is he is a former CBRSD student who really valued his education in CBRSD and wanted to help provide that experience for current students.  I can't wait to share the news with everyone in just a few days!  Thanks to a few fabulous donors, our class has 4 different subscriptions to Time for Kids and Scholastic News! Not a bad way to start off the school year!

Mrs. Finnerty

My Donors Choose Project

I quietly posted a project on Donors Choose in June that would help bring non-fiction text to our classroom.  I would be thrilled if it was funded but I also knew it would be a stretch to raise the money needed.  This weekend Bill and Melinda Gates will fund half of the cost of your project if you can raise the other half by midnight tonight (Sunday, August 24th).  I just received my first donation from someone in Massachusetts so I feel as if I should spread the word about my project more!  Here is a link to the project on Donors Choose...\mrs.finnerty

Thank you for your continued support!  I'm excited for the school year to start!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


During step up day students had a few questions about supplies.  Kittredge will supply students with all materials needed for 4th grade however if students would like to purchase their own, please make sure to follow the guidelines below for folders.

Folders - plastic with two pockets (no metal clips or fasteners on the inside)

Here is the letter and log students were given on the last day of school.

Mrs. Finnerty


Summer is here!! I don't know about you but I am looking forward to sleeping in, spending time outdoors, and just relaxing.  While summer is a great time to unwind from the school year, it is also a time where most students loose up to 2 months of learning.  Don't let that happen to you!  Find a fun way to continue practicing your math facts, keep writing, and reading.  Here are some suggestions...

  • Read at least 20 minutes a day.  You could do this while you are eating breakfast!  Bring a book outside and lounge by the pool or under a tree.  Do you subscribe to a magazine?? If not, ask your parents!  National Geographic, Ranger Rick, American Girl and Highlights are just a few of my favorites! 
  • Practice your math facts.  Go online and search for fun games on line or apps for your tablet.  Spend 20 minutes 3-4 times a week practicing!  Set a goal for yourself....can you solve 100 addition, subtraction and multiplication problems this summer??
  • Write, write write! Keep a journal or scrap book.  Take pictures and write about the pictures.  See if you can write a story a week! Writing will be a large part of our curriculum next year.  Start to build your stamina. 
  • Take a field trip!  Visit a museum or go to a play.  There is so much to do in the Berkshires and a lot of it is free! is a great site that keeps you up to date on what is happening in the Berkshires this summer!  (write about one of the trips you have taken!)
I can't wait to hear about all the exciting things you will do this summer! 

Mrs. Finnerty


If you have an iPad or Kindle, download the Overdrive app.  It allows you to connect to multiple libraries across the state.  You can download books and they will stay on your device for 2 weeks.  This is a great alternative to the conventional approach of borrowing books from the library.  Also, stop by your library to sign up for their summer reading program. Please share any great books or series you read.  I'm always looking for new suggestions!

Mrs. Finnerty

Congratulations 5th Grade!!

Congratulations to all graduates!  Best of luck at Nessacus!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, June 23, 2014


Graduation - Wednesday 10:00am

Graduation should last around an hour.  Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the graduation. Students are free to leave after graduation!

I've had a few parents ask about dress code.  We do not have a dress code for graduation but here are our suggestions...

Girls - dresses or skirts, dress pants - no short shorts

Boys - dress pants/khakis, dress shorts/khaki shorts, polo shirt or dress shirt (tie optional)

Again, these are just suggestions!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Simple Machine Project

All simple machine projects must be taken home by Friday afternoon.  If your child can not take their machine on the bus, please arrange to pick it up between 8:00am and 5:30pm Thursday or Friday.

Mrs. Finnerty


We are just about finished writing our research reports.  Tomorrow we will finish the bibliography.  Here is a great site for generating citations for a bibliography.
Keep this as a reference for middle school, high school and college!!! is another great site as well!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring Concert

Spring concert is June 11th at 1:30 in the gym.  See you then!

Mrs. Finnerty

Band Students

Band students need to have their instruments on Monday for a band rehearsal from 1:00 - 1:40.  Spring concert is June 11th at 1:30!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, May 23, 2014

Simple Machine Project

Students received all the information for their simple machine project today.  We watched a video of students from Kittredge presenting their projects to help spark interest and ideas in the students.  Please be aware of the timeline for this project.

Tuesday, May 27th - Students must return signed project information.
Friday, May 30th - design due
Monday, June 16th - Simple Machine due (with design)

You can find a copy of the project on the classroom website under the Science tab.

Mrs. Finnerty

Research Report Books due Tuesday

Everyone must have 2 books for their research report by Tuesday.  I have many books set out that students may use or just browse to get ideas.  We will hit the ground running with our research report on Tuesday!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, May 16, 2014

Research Report

We will begin working on our research report on May 27th.  All students need to have two age appropriate books in class with them on the 27th.  Please refer to the notice sent home yesterday for more information on locating age appropriate books and choosing a topic.

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Half -Day

Tomorrow (Thursday) is a half day for Central Berkshire students.  Dismissal at Kittredge is 12:00.  No lunch will be served.

Mrs. Finnerty

Yearbook "Post It" Message

Just a reminder...Yearbook "Post It" messages are due Friday!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, May 5, 2014

June Activities

Here is an update of activities in June...

June 4th - 5th grade field trip to Becket Chimney Corners
June 5th - Step Up day at Nessacus
June 13th - Jog-A-Thon
June 20th - 5th grade field trip to Bousquet and PTO Kickball Cookout
June 25th - Graduation (as of right now, graduation time is 10am)

I will continue to update you as activities are scheduled!

Mrs. Finnerty

Yearbook Messages

Please complete and return the yellow "post it note" message for the yearbook as soon as possible. Remember if you want to keep your message to your child a secret, place it in an envelope or fold on the dotted line!

Mrs. Finnerty

MCAS Reminder

Math  MCAS are tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday this week.  Get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast and pack a healthy snack for the morning!  I am so confident you will all do well tomorrow and Wednesday.  I am very proud of all your hard work this year!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, April 14, 2014

Staff vs 5th Grade Volleyball Game

The second annual staff vs 5th grade volleyball game will be held Friday morning!

Mrs. Finnerty

June Field Trip

On June 4th the 5th grade will be taking a field trip to Becket Chimney Corners YMCA.  Students will be participating in a predator/prey presentation and also a team building exercise.  Lunch will be provided for the students.  We will leave Kittredge at 8:30 and will return by 2:00.  The cost is $10 per students.  Please send in CASH ONLY by May 1st.  Any families with a financial hardship may contact Mrs. White, Mrs. Frissell or myself.

I am very excited about his field trip!

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Family Art Night Reminder

Reminder that Friday night is Family Art Night at Kittredge from 6:00 - 8:00!

Mrs. Finnerty

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Family Art Night

Friday night Mrs. Annand is hosting a family art night at Kittredge.  This is a FREE night for Kittredge students and families.  The theme of the art night is bullying.  Please return your slip indicating your t-shirt size by tomorrow if you plan on attending.  This sounds like a GREAT night!!

Mrs. Finnerty

Friday, February 28, 2014

Springfield Armor Basketball Game Sunday

Kittredge students will be honored at Sunday's Springfield Armor Game.  The game starts at 3:00 at the MassMutual Center.  Students must arrive by 2:15.  Hope to see you there!

Mrs. Finnerty

Yearbook Photos!

Lisa Kirchner is in the process of compiling photos for the 5th grade yearbook.  She is looking for each 5th grader to submit a baby photo.  Please send it to school in an envelope attention Lisa/Memory Book by Friday, March 14th.  She will return the photo to you once the layout is complete.  Digital photographs can be e-mailed to  Be sure to include your child's name in the e-mail or subject line.

Mrs. Finnerty

Thursday, February 6, 2014


The ELA MCAS are right around the corner.  The two week testing block is March 17th -March 28th.  As soon as I have specific dates for the 5th grade test, I will let you know!

Mrs. Finnerty

Field Trip Permission Slip

Please sign and return your child's permission slip to attend the Colonial Theater by Monday, February 10th!

Mrs. Finnerty

Practice Lock Down Drill

We had a practice lock down drill this morning.  Everything went very well in our classroom.  Students knew exactly what to do.  We had a great conversation while we were waiting for the okay to resume our lesson.  Students were very aware of what to do if they were not in the classroom.  They had some great questions as well as some suggestions.  We took the time to review some of the different safety policies Kittredge has in place.  I'm confident the state and local police have some positive feedback for us!

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, January 27, 2014

Field Trip - February 12th

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be taking a field trip to the Colonial Theater on Wednesday, February 12th to see Dr. Kaboom! We will leave Kittredge around 9:00 and return around 12:00.  Permission slips will go home closer to the date of the trip!

Mrs. Finnerty

BTG Homework Due Wednesday, January 29th

Write a two paragraph reflection of your BTG experience.  What did you like?  What did you dislike?  Remember, they count on your feedback to better the program so make sure you provide details and examples to support your thoughts!

Mrs. Finnerty

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational website created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT and Harvard Business School. The stated mission is to provide "a free world-class education for anyone anywhere."  

Your child can access Khan Academy by logging in with their district Google account.  Students spent time last week learning how to navigate Khan Academy and how to get the most out of it.  All students are assigned a coach (which is me) and I can recommend lessons and skills to students.  For 5th grade, Math is the only subject that has both videos and practice.  Students can choose a recommended skill or any skill they'd like to practice and they can watch videos and complete practice problems.  Students who would like to review 4th grade skills can move down into 4th grade and students who wish to challenge themselves may move ahead to new 6th grade skills.  The best part about this is students have access to Khan Academy for free!!  

Parents are always asking what can they do to help their children at home.  Here is a great FREE resource that provides video explanations and additional practice.  Students can spend 20 minutes a night brushing up on previous math skills or working on current math skills.  If parents have a gmail account, they can log and refresh their 5th grade math skills or explore a topic they'd like to know more about.  

I plan to provide you all with a video of Khan Academy.  Check back later this week to view it!! If you and your child explore Khan Academy, please provide me with your feedback on how useful you feel it is. 

Mrs. Finnerty

Reminder of BTG PLay this Wednesday!!

Remember, the 5th grade will be presenting their BTG plays this Wednesday, January 29th at 1:30 in the school gym.  They have worked very hard over the last 14 weeks.  I am very proud of all they have accomplished!  See you on Wednesday!

Mrs. Finnerty

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Springfield Armor Reading Program

The Springfield Armor Reading Program has kicked off! Your child should have brought home the program details yesterday.  Students will receive prizes based on the number of hours they read at home at night.  For every hour read, students can color in a snowflake.  Parents must initial the snowflake to confirm that you read for an hour.  Color in all your snowflakes and you will receive free tickets to a Springfield Armor game and be recognized on the court during the game!

Remember, everyone should be reading for 20- 30 minutes a night!

Mrs. Finnerty

BTG Homework

Due: Wednesday, January 22nd

Write out your lines in the play along with your cue line 3x each.  If you have more than 10 lines you may do it only once.

Mrs. Finnerty

Monday, January 13, 2014

BTG Play - January 29th

The fifth grade classes will be presenting their play on Wednesday, January 29th at 1:30 in the gym.  All parents, grandparents, families and friends are invited!

Congratulations to Kaeli for having her play selected!

Mrs. Finnerty